History:  British influence began in the 1860s with explorers seeking the source of the Nile river.  Uganda was colonized by the British but gained it's independence in 1962.  

Population:  47,729,952 (2023 est.)

Languages:  English is the official language taught in school.  Other languages include Luganda, Swahili & Arabic

Government:  Presidential Republic

Capital City:  Kampala

Agricultural Products:  Sugar cane, plantains, cassava, maize, sweet potatoes, milk, vegetables, beans, bananas, sorghum

Industries:  Sugar processing, brewing, tobacco, cotton textiles, cement & steel production

Religions:  45.1% Protestant, 39.3% Roman Catholic, 13.7% Muslim, 1.9% other or none



Recent Updates

New Dormitory at Kerith Children's Home

Published Thu, Apr 11, 24.

In March, Man Up took a team of college football players to Uganda where they worked along side some Ugandan men...

Super Saturday at Gloryland Church

Published Tue, Apr 09, 24.

The first week in March we took one of our biggest teams to Uganda on a mission trip.  The team consisted o...

Mission 4 Masese

Published Mon, Apr 08, 24.

These are the women of Masese III in Jinja, Uganda.  In partnership with Home Again Ministries, Man Up has ...

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1st Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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1st Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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2nd Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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2nd Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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3rd Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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3rd Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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4th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 185


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4th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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5th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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5th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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6th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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6th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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7th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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7th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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Days Waiting: 423

Age: 17

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Adrian Mwesigye

Days Waiting: 423

Age: 9

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Days Waiting: 0

Age: 19

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Days Waiting: 0

Age: 5

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Days Waiting: 423

Age: 8

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Andrew Mark

Days Waiting: 0

Age: 8

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Days Waiting: 0

Age: 15

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Age: 11

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Age: 10

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Bulangira Cohort

Days Waiting: 171


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AMP International

Our Mission To mobilize men to fight for the fatherless as Jesus commands.  One of the ways we do that is through our Aut...

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Ebenezer Children's Ministry

Ebenezer Children's Ministry is an NGO established in 2012 in the district of Kibuku, Uganda by Pastor George Kooli and hi...

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Fair Trade Initiative

Empowering Women through  Fair-Trade.  Mission 4 Masese was started in 2015 in an impoverished area located in Jinja, Uga...

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Home Again Ministries

Home Again Ministries is the passion of Pastor Andrew Wakabi, who saw a great need in the Masese III community for spiritu...

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Kerith Ministries

Kerith Ministries was established in 2009 by Pastor Samuel Mwesigwa and his wife Mercy in Pallisa, Uganda.  Kerith Ministr...

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Super Saturday Feeding Program

Partnering with the local church to provide food stability is another way Man Up and Go is helping.  Each week our ministr...

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Uganda Updates

April 11, 2024

In March, Man Up took a team of college football players to Uganda where they worked along side some Ugandan men mixing concrete and laying bricks for a new dormitory building at Kerith Children's Home.  


April 09, 2024

The first week in March we took one of our biggest teams to Uganda on a mission trip.  The team consisted of 37 college football players from two colleges in the States.  A great time was had by all!  Super Saturday is always o...


April 08, 2024

These are the women of Masese III in Jinja, Uganda.  In partnership with Home Again Ministries, Man Up has helped sponsor and support this jewelry making program aimed at developing the true potential of these woman empowering them to su...


April 08, 2024

Gabiri Tefiro leading in performance so far in Kibuku district.  He is in Phase III and has opened a produce store and tripled his efforts in farming.  He currently has 5 acres of land growing cow peas in three separate gardens.