Authentic Masculinity Program

$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $72,000.00

$72,000.00 To Go

Our Mission

To mobilize men to fight for the fatherless as Jesus commands.  One of the ways we do that is through our Authentic Masculinity Program (AMP). Our purpose is to disciple men and see them actively engage in the life and discipleship of the family and local church. 

Our Goal

Equip men to lead.  Man Up desires to see men live out their roles as protectors and providers.  We have seen that men often abdicate their responsibilities because they are unable to financially support for their families.  The Authentic Masculinity Program gives them the tools necessary to successfully lead and provide for their families and to fight against the trend of leaving children fatherless.

Our Program

AMP is a year-long program that starts with intentional discipleship and graduates into business development based on biblical principles and finally moves into the distribution of a micro-loan.  We also seek to develop in them an entrepreneurial spirit and ultimately give them access to start-up capital for the development or enhancement of a business.  Each man is required to attending weekly sessions, submit a business proposal at the end of Phase II and ultimately repay the loan.  

The AMP Program consists of three Phases:

  • Phase I consists of a 12-week discipleship in biblical masculinity.  
  • Phase II consists of a 12-week business training.
  • Phase III is loan dispersement, IGA implementation, and loan repayment process.

Currently, there are ten cohorts spread across Uganda and Ethiopia.  

Won't you join us in the fight to put an end to generational fatherlessness?  




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Leader: Pastor Geofrey Ochari

Recent Updates

Gabiri Tefiro leading in performance

Published Mon, Apr 08, 24.

Gabiri Tefiro leading in performance so far in Kibuku district.  He is in Phase III and has opened a produc...

Bulangira Cohort

Days Waiting: 168


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Kibuku Cohort

Days Waiting: 166


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Namwiwa Cohort

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Sidanyi Cohort

Days Waiting: 168


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AMP International Updates

April 08, 2024

Gabiri Tefiro leading in performance so far in Kibuku district.  He is in Phase III and has opened a produce store and tripled his efforts in farming.  He currently has 5 acres of land growing cow peas in three separate gardens.