Sponsorship Opportunities

Did you know that there are over 700 million children in the world who go to bed every night without a father present in the home?  At Man Up, we are on a mission to break the cycle of generational fatherlessness and that is why we have partnered internationally with the local church.  We believe the local church is the hope of the world and our international church partners are the key to transforming families and communities by discipling men and providing for children.  

Here are important ways you can help us in the fight for the fatherless!  

  • Sponsor a Classroom - Supporting teachers and administrators is a great way to help ensure the children in our programs are impacted positively through education.  Each of our ministry partners operates a primary school, which includes pre-school to grade 7.  Sponsoring a classroom will help our partners purchase necessary school supplies and educational materials needed to provide a quality education.
  • Sponsor a Man in our AMP Program - One of the most important aspects to our theory of change is equipping men to lead.  AMP gives them the tools necessary to succeed as protectors and providers and to fight against the trend of leaving their children fatherless.  Help a man in an AMP cohort with the cost of starting or enhancing an existing business.
  • Sponsor an AMP Cohort - Men in our Authentic Masculinity Program (AMP) experience what the Bible says about being an image bearer, worker, provider, protector, husband, father, and more.  The impact is the transformation of families and entire communities.  In addition to the discipleship piece, men are provided small business coaching and loans to start or enhance existing businesses.  Many men form partnerships, thereby, increasing both their purchasing power and accountability around loan repayment.

1st Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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1st Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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2nd Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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2nd Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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3rd Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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3rd Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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4th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 185


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4th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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5th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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5th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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6th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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6th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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7th Grade Class - JJASS Bright Junior School

Days Waiting: 183


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7th Grade Class - Kerith Ministries

Days Waiting: 419


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Days Waiting: 423

Age: 17

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Adrian Mwesigye

Days Waiting: 423

Age: 9

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Days Waiting: 0

Age: 19

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Days Waiting: 0

Age: 5

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Days Waiting: 423

Age: 8

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Andrew Mark

Days Waiting: 0

Age: 8

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